Mission Statement

Touching Lives, Inc is a Christian ministry committed to supporting communities worldwide through improved health care, education, spiritual and economic development


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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our more memorable patients - It's About Compassion

Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves.
- Mason Cooley

Each person on the mission team has patients, children, or just plain Kenyan friends who will always stand out in their minds. However, there were certain patients that will bring a smile to most, if not all, of us. We'd like to share the impact that these precious souls had on us.

One such young man was Tyson, a ten year old sweetie who had simply fallen and scraped his knee about one year ago. Unfortunately, that small cut had not been treated and first it injury became a cellulitis and then it developed into an infection that infiltrated his bone. This type of infection is sadly repeated much too often in remote regions all over the world. Tyson courageously walked on this very sick leg to our clinic on the day we saw the children. Dr. Scott had seen infections like this before and knew that Tyson required attention far beyond what we were able to give. So, we transported him to the closest hospital, almost two hours away. As of the writing of this entry Tyson is recovering nicely from the limb-saving surgery he was able to get. Please join us in praying for a complete recovery for this little guy. Tyson definitely brings a smile to our faces!

After a long and busy first day of clinic and a late dinner (about 9:00pm) we were just beginning to settle in for the night when suddenly Dr Scott burst through the door of the house. "Kathi, we're having a delivery!" We were all pretty sure he didn't mean pizza! Sure enough Irene, a patient Ruth had seen earlier that day was in labor. We took her to an empty school room, where about 1 1/2 hours later, at 12:18am little Wendy (named after one of the team members!) arrived weighing in at about 6lb 12oz with only a candle and flashlights lighting her way! Her entry was a little bumpy and our team was grateful for Dr. Scott's expertise in clearing her airway as she took those first few breaths. Kathi had the privilege of "catching" this precious bundle of joy but the entire team assisted and prayed her into this world! We are all smiles when we think of little Wendy!
Day four of our clinic in Wachara introduced us to 1 year old Dillon and he touched our lives in a profound way. You see, Dillon was dieing of malnutrition. His flaccid little arms and legs and the life-less expression on his face made an impression in each of our hearts and minds that will never be forgotten. Even after a packet of re hydration salts (something most of us would refuse because of its strong briny taste) in 500 ml of water, his little body remained limp. At that point Dr. Scott decided to send Dillon to the hospital and the entire team began to pray that it was not too late, although we feared it was. Praise God, Dillon responded will to the therapy in the hospital and was actually discharged before the team left Nairobi for home! Thoughts of Dillon not only result in smiles, they inspire hope!
There, of course, are others: a little baby with chronic malaria, a child with a severe eye ailment, the elderly with knees swollen from arthritis with an accumulation of fluid, and a heart breaking number of people suffering from HIV infections and related illnesses. These are the dear ones whose faces will be forever imprinted on our hearts. How blessed we were to be a small part of their lives!

And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
Matthew 25: 40


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