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Touching Lives, Inc is a Christian ministry committed to supporting communities worldwide through improved health care, education, spiritual and economic development


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Monday, August 2, 2010

Arriving in Kenya

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.
-Albert Einstein

We arrived at the Methodist Guest House in Nairobi late Saturday night. I think most of us got to sleep around 1:00am but were up by 5:30 with breakfast at 6:00 and departure for Wachara at 7:00!
As the bus took off we were all wide-eyed, taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells of our new home for the next 2 weeks. At least for the first half of the ride we soaked in all of Kenya that we could.

Our first stop was a look-out point over the Great Rift Valley. What a beautiful site! The Rift Valley goes much further than the eye can see and is a very real reminder of the greatness of our Creator. What a wonderful and wondrous way to start our adventure!

The hours went on and eyes began to close as the length of our travel from Newark started to take its toll on our bodies. And then the announcement came: "Sammy (our accomplished driver) says that we might see some wild animals in this area!" No more sleepy eyes now! And sure enough we soon spotted zebras about 100 yards off the road. Imagine riding down one of America's large highways and coming across zebras! Sammy even pulled to the side of the road so we could get pictures.

Next came the beautiful tea fields. For miles and miles we were surrounded by lush green fields of ripe tea leaves. And for miles and miles there were Kenyans working out in those fields harvesting the tea. I do believe that now we all have a greater appreciation for the work that goes into making the tea that many of us enjoy at the beginning of each day.
Shortly after the tea fields we stopped for lunch: grilled chicken with cooked spinach and fries. Hmmm, maybe Kenyan food won't be as challenging as we thought! However, the facilities gave us our first "taste" of the challenge of Kenyan restrooms! But alas, we must quickly move on - Wachara is waiting!

We knew that we were getting closer when the nicely paved roads became increasingly more narrow and increasingly more...well, dirt. We began to dodge the rather impressive (if you happen to like craters) holes that peppered the path in front of us. And just when we began to question the ability of our bus to make it on this challenging...ummm..."road," we stopped. To our left was a church and in front of it were about 100 beautiful, uniform clad, brightly smiling children. Approximately 32 hours after leaving the United States we arrived in Wachara, Kenya! As we listened to the musical welcome we received from these precious little ones, any thoughts of the long, bumpy ride were gone. After months of preparation and prayer we had arrived - the adventure had begun!

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.  Psalm 68: 5-6a


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