Mission Statement
Touching Lives, Inc is a Christian ministry committed to supporting communities worldwide through improved health care, education, spiritual and economic development
Our Vision
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Touching Lives Partners with Kijabe Hospital
6:38 PM | Posted by
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"I shall pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." -Henry Drummond
It was a great privilege of Touching Lives Ministry to partner with a team of 52 staff members from Kijabe Hospital, located 25 miles northwest of Nairobi, who traveled 12 hours to Dzimanya, in the south western district of Kwale, to do a medical and evangelical outreach from November 18th to the 21st. The medical camp was organized by the Chaplaincy Department of the hospital, led by Pastor Mark Ayara. Over 2,000 people were reached during this mission with free health care and medications, clothing, shoes, classes on hygiene and various diseases effecting the area, and the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Funds donated by Touching Lives helped to provide the medications needed to treat the diseases common to this area. Bilharzia, a disease resulting from bathing in or drinking contaminated water, was found in 2 out of 3 people at the medical camp. Most of the children age 5 years and below were evaluated to be "at risk" nutritionally. And malaria, elephantiasis (a disease caused by parasitic worms), diarrhea, and respiratory tract infections were all among the health issues the staff was able to treat.
The Chaplaincy Department has plans to do a follow-up outreach to provide further assistance as well as programs to provide goats to the people in the area, agricultural education, and aid in improving the water quality.
Please pray for the people in this area as well as ministries like Kijabe Hospital and Touching Lives who continue to be God's "hands and feet" in reaching out to the poor, sick, and lost.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Moving Forward - One Step at a Time
5:18 PM | Posted by
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"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." - Nelson Mandela
Last Thursday Touching Lives received a delightful e-mail. It contained the preliminary drawings for the first TLM medical clinic! Of course there have been and will continue to be many e-mails since then honing the vision to meet the specific needs of the people in Wachara, Kenya, but the process has begun! And by God's grace the end result will be the medical facility that God desires for this people at this time. You are looking at the future site of the Wachara Medical Center.
- That God would continue to confirm His blessing on this clinic by bringing people beside us to pray, encourage, and equip
- That we will neither move ahead of God nor lag behind
- That God will receive the glory as He continues to abundantly supply the funds needed for the project
- That we will not be moved by delays or discouragements, but keep our eyes on the Prize
- That the board and our advisers will make decisions regarding the building prayerfully and with wisdom
Please continue to pray for Michael. His foot is healing nicely and he will have a follow-up visit with the surgeon on November 16th. By God's grace he will receive his orthopedic shoes and begin physical therapy at that appointment!
May God bless you as you labor with us in prayer.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Lives Touched at Benefit!
9:00 AM | Posted by
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"As in the candle I know there is both light and heat, but put out the candle, and they are both gone."
- John Selden
Saturday evening, October 16th, 2010 was a very special and blessed night for Touching Lives Ministry. We were bursting at the seams in every way possible!
The silent auction was filled with
Kenyan goods and original posters
based on pictures taken from
our July mission.
Dr. Scott gave a review how God led him to Wachara an placed a passion on his heart for the people there.
Katie moved everyone with the re-telling of her moving experience with Baby Dillon and his mother when she visited them in the hospital and humbled herself to follow Jesus' example by washing their feet.
And Kathi gave a short history of how Touching Lives started and where God is taking us in 2011. This culminated with a verbal picture of the very simplistic sketch that was submitted to the Kenyan architect designing the clinic. Kathi shared that we are praying to break ground on the building early next year, take a larger team the last two weeks of July (dates tentative at present, mission application form will available on the website soon) to do a medical camp, children's ministry, and construction, and, by God's grace, dedicate and open the clinic next fall!
There are so many people who gave selflessly to make this evening a success. The entire TLM board worked tirelessly along with Wendi, Art & Mary Ann, Sharon, Ian and so many others who stepped up to lend a hand when they saw a need. You are all a blessing! We also want to express our appreciation to Wawa convience stores for their donation that sweetened our coffee!
We thank God for all the doors He continues to open for TLM in Wachara. And we ask you to pray about how He would have you get involved. Our greatest need is prayer support! Thank you many times over for lifting this ministry to the Throne of Grace. You can also sponsor the clinic on a monthly basis by sending a check to Touching Lives Ministry, 214 W. 21st Street, Chester, Pa. 19013 with a notation that this is a monthly sponsorship. Or you can give a one time donation by going to the "Donate" page on the website. Please note that you can follow the progress of the building project by scrolling to the bottom of this blog and clicking on the "Subscribe" button.
God is the Author and Finisher of all we do and we pray daily that He will be glorified in and through Touching Lives Ministry.
Wacheni Mungu aitwe Mungu
"Let God just be called God"
Swahili song
Friday, October 8, 2010
Touching Lives Benefit
6:45 AM | Posted by
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You must go forward on your knees.
- Hudson Taylor
You are invited to learn more at the Touching Lives Benefit
When: Saturday, October 16
Where: 1 Raymond Dr
Havertown, Pa. 19083
Get acquainted with our ministry and where God is leading.
We’ll have reports from the July mission, a silent auction of
Kenyan goods, original art based on mission pictures,
Kenyan food and music, and an opportunity to support the
coming medical clinic in Wachara, Kenya. Together we can touch Kenya!
Michael is recovering beautifully after his surgery! We will give a full update on his progress at the benefit. See you there!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Calling All Prayer Warriors!
5:33 PM | Posted by
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"You may speak but a word to a child, and in that child there may be slumbering a noble heart which shall stir the Christian Church in years to come."
- Charles Spurgeon
Touching Lives would like to introduce you to another child who has touched our hearts. “Michael” (the name has been changed for confidentiality), was orphaned at a young age and yet is a happy and fairly healthy 14 year old young man. He is the second born of 5 children, is in grade 6, and his favorite subject is English! We say that he is fairly healthy because when Michael was a toddler he accidentally stepped into the fire that is the center of most homes in rural Kenya. His family did not have the money needed for either the travel to or the treatment at the nearest clinic. So his family did their best to treat his wound with what they had.
Michael’s foot did heal but in the process the top of his foot folded up and became fused with the bottom of his leg. A deformity of this type would keep most from walking, but this strong willed young man goes beyond that – he plays soccer! Although the sad reality is that each step he takes causes him pain. And left untreated, some day the pain will overcome his determination and he will not be able to walk.
But God has another plan. As a result of TLM’s new relationship with the Kijabe Children’s Hospital, Michael has been scheduled for surgery to release the fusion of his foot on Wednesday, September 29th! Please join us in praying Michael through this much-needed surgery.
We are praying for:
• safe travel to Kijabe (it takes over 8 hours to get there from Michael’s
home village)
• that Michael will continue to have peace and confidence regarding the
surgery and rely on his Savior
• wisdom for the doctors
• that the surgery would be successful and without complications
• peace, patience, and wisdom for the staff member of the orphanage
who is required to physically be with Michael throughout his hospital stay
• that God will be glorified through this
We are also praying that in years to come Michael will walk throughout Kenya and Africa proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and by God’s grace Michael will be the first of many, many lives touched through TLM for His glory.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sometimes Beginings Feel Like Endings
10:25 AM | Posted by
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Potential is God's gift to us. What we do with it is our gift to God.
-Mark Batterson from "Primal - A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity"
There are so many stories of courage and perseverance from this little village in western Kenya but one story that unfolded before our eyes profoundly touched each of us on the mission team and in leadership at TLM. We would like to introduce you to little Jane Anyango. Like the children you see above she was a beautiful, curious, and loving 6 year old. She sang songs, made crafts, played games, prayed prayers, and danced to her heart's delight with us during our short time in Wachara. And not unlike the other children in the school around her, she wasn't quite sure what to make of these wazungu, white people. But she was willing to find out!
Not long after we left Kenya to return to the United States Jane became ill. Her parents knew that she would not be seen in the regional hospital unless they arrived with the shillings required for such a visit. Then there was the problem that the hospital is not reachable on foot with a sick child, so the funds to rent a vehicle provided another obstacle to getting the medical attention she needed. Often when poor families in third world countries find themselves in this position they will go to family, friends, and church members for help. Unfortunately that takes time and time was yet another luxury this family did not have. And so this weekend 6 year old Jane Anyango went to be with Jesus.
We join with her family, friends, and all those who live in her village in mourning the loss of a life so young. We know that we mourn for us - Jane is doing just fine in heaven! But we also mourn for everyone in her village and villages like hers all over the world who will one day find themselves in a similar position.
The leadership of Touching Lives Ministry have felt God's call to take our first step in turning our mission statement into reality. By God's grace He will use us as a vehicle to provide a medical clinic for the village Wachara, Kenya in 2011. Please join with us in praying that God will supply all that will be required as we walk in this calling. May Jane's legacy be that this village will never again lose one so young because medical care was not available.
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.
Psalm 30:11
Psalm 30:11
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Our more memorable patients - It's About Compassion
5:48 PM | Posted by
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Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves.
- Mason Cooley
Each person on the mission team has patients, children, or just plain Kenyan friends who will always stand out in their minds. However, there were certain patients that will bring a smile to most, if not all, of us. We'd like to share the impact that these precious souls had on us.
One such young man was Tyson, a ten year old sweetie who had simply fallen and scraped his knee about one year ago. Unfortunately, that small cut had not been treated and first it injury became a cellulitis and then it developed into an infection that infiltrated his bone. This type of infection is sadly repeated much too often in remote regions all over the world. Tyson courageously walked on this very sick leg to our clinic on the day we saw the children. Dr. Scott had seen infections like this before and knew that Tyson required attention far beyond what we were able to give. So, we transported him to the closest hospital, almost two hours away. As of the writing of this entry Tyson is recovering nicely from the limb-saving surgery he was able to get. Please join us in praying for a complete recovery for this little guy. Tyson definitely brings a smile to our faces!
After a long and busy first day of clinic and a late dinner (about 9:00pm) we were just beginning to settle in for the night when suddenly Dr Scott burst through the door of the house. "Kathi, we're having a delivery!" We were all pretty sure he didn't mean pizza! Sure enough Irene, a patient Ruth had seen earlier that day was in labor. We took her to an empty school room, where about 1 1/2 hours later, at 12:18am little Wendy (named after one of the team members!) arrived weighing in at about 6lb 12oz with only a candle and flashlights lighting her way! Her entry was a little bumpy and our team was grateful for Dr. Scott's expertise in clearing her airway as she took those first few breaths. Kathi had the privilege of "catching" this precious bundle of joy but the entire team assisted and prayed her into this world! We are all smiles when we think of little Wendy!
Day four of our clinic in Wachara introduced us to 1 year old Dillon and he touched our lives in a profound way. You see, Dillon was dieing of malnutrition. His flaccid little arms and legs and the life-less expression on his face made an impression in each of our hearts and minds that will never be forgotten. Even after a packet of re hydration salts (something most of us would refuse because of its strong briny taste) in 500 ml of water, his little body remained limp. At that point Dr. Scott decided to send Dillon to the hospital and the entire team began to pray that it was not too late, although we feared it was. Praise God, Dillon responded will to the therapy in the hospital and was actually discharged before the team left Nairobi for home! Thoughts of Dillon not only result in smiles, they inspire hope!
There, of course, are others: a little baby with chronic malaria, a child with a severe eye ailment, the elderly with knees swollen from arthritis with an accumulation of fluid, and a heart breaking number of people suffering from HIV infections and related illnesses. These are the dear ones whose faces will be forever imprinted on our hearts. How blessed we were to be a small part of their lives!
And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
Matthew 25: 40
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The VBS - It's about a loving God!
3:25 PM | Posted by
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Epic change moves from the inside out.
-The Perils of Ayden
The message, the Good News, that we wanted to communicate to these precious children and the families who care for them was that we have a loving God who knows them by name and has a great plan for each of their lives. We did not want to tell them about religion. No, our God desires relationship rather than religion. And this God longs to have a personal, intimate relationship with each of them.
What better way to to begin to communicate that than to tell them they are princes and princesses in God's eyes! And God tells us that in Romans 8:17. “If we are children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.” Due to the generosity of a local Burger King (not a commercial, just the facts!) we were able to illustrate this by giving each child a crown to decorate. Many of the children proudly wore their crowns the rest of the week!
On the second day we shared that we have all sinned, and because God is perfect He cannot have sin in His presence. But He so longs for fellowship with us that He provided a way for us to be reconciled with Him forever through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us this is true in Romans 6:23. "The gift of God is eternal life in Jesus." To help the children remember this important Truth they made multi-colored bracelets. Each color represents a different aspect of this life-changing Message.
The third day brought the invitation God gives us to talk with Him each day. Because of what Christ did for us on the cross God has given us permission to come boldly to the Throne of Grace. (Hebrews 4:16) The children made mosaic crosses to represent this new freedom and privilege. The children learned that “Christ died…to bring you to God.” 1 Peter 3:8
The focus of day four was how we can go to God in prayer, especially in times of trouble or need. The children learned of God's promise, “I am making everything new!” Revelation 21:5 They made prayer box holders and were encouraged to write out their prayer requests. The children were very creative in making and decorating their new treasures! Each child also received a gift bag on this last day of VBS with: a toothbrush, toothpaste, 3 pencils, a pencil sharpener, a little notebook, 3 lollipops, 3 glow bracelets, and a little stuffed animal.
Our desire was to teach the children that we have a God who longs to have a relationship with His "kids." And in the process we built relationships with these little ones that will last a life time and beyond!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Clinic day 2 - It's about the people!
1:28 PM | Posted by
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Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.
-Albert Einstein
The clinic started seeing adults and the VBS began in the afternoon of our first day but day 2 saw our first 9am to 6pm full day of both ministries. On the clinic side of the ministry we were confronted with many of the same health in the adults as we saw with the children: malaria, malnutrition, worms, and pneumonia. But we also saw many who suffered with musculo-sketetal ailments stemming from the tremendously hard work the people of Wachara must do just to stay alive. Dr. Bob kept quite busy draining knees of fluid that had accumulated from years of abuse. And our large stock of anti-imflamatory drugs began to look...well, not so large! One of the elderly mamas who was detemined to be seen by the American doctors actually hired a motorcycle to get to the clinic. Although the more incredible facet of that is, this is not an uncommon practice in their "neck of the woods!"
And of course there were the women's health issues that were addressed by Ruth and Kathi. We had the extreme joy of being able to give out the first of many Birthing Kits this day. In fact, a couple of times Ruth first "diagnosed" the pregnancy, informed the patient that she was a mother-to-be, and then promptly presented her with the Birthing Kit. This was a "full service," not to mention head-spinning clinic!
It was not at all unusual for people to wait all day to be seen only to be asked to return tomorrow as the sun was setting and we had no electricity to aid us in continuing the clinic. There is little doubt that, had we the means, the patients would have waited all through the night to be treated.
In coming days I'll share about some of our more memorable patients as well as focus on the fun stuff the children had prepared for them in the VBS. The best is yet to come!
Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8b
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Clinic day 1 - it's about the children!
1:29 PM | Posted by
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If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Our number one priority for the medical camp was that the children of the Wachara orphanage and school would receive the medical attention that they so needed
That required that we rise at the crack of dawn to leave time for our Kenyan breakfast which mostly consisted of hard boiled eggs, dry wheat biscuits moistened with packaged and heated milk, bread with peanut butter, freshly made square donuts, and of course Kenyan tea.
Next, we put the "finishing touches" on the physical set up of the clinic. We had to create a "pharmacy," exams rooms for each of the practitioners, a place for people to wait outside the church, a registration/triage area in the church, space for our patients to wait to be seen after registering, and a "staging area" at the front of the church for supplies and where many of us spent hours counting pills into small unit doses to save our trusty "pharmacists" some much needed time. It was a particular blessing to watch the very children we were preparing to see help us in setting the clinic up!
Finally the medical camp began! In spite of the heat, the children waited patiently to first be registered and then to be seen. In about 4 hours time we saw and treated about 150 children. We treated malaria, pneumonia, malnutrition, and worms along with many of the more "normal" childhood illnesses like ear infections, upper respiratory infections, and various bumps and bruises. While we were there we even had an outbreak of mumps.
But the young man we all will remember the most from that first day and continue to pray for had a simple infection on his thigh that had been untreated for so long that the infection worked its way into his bone. His little thigh had ballooned to about 3 times its normal size and he was quite ill. He was sent to the hospital and it is our prayer that by this time he has had surgery on the leg without need for amputation. Please join us in praying for this brave little guy.
After lunch the VBS was all set up and it was time to have some serious fun with the children! The children's ministry team members planned and executed a VBS that was outrageous! On average the children's activities filled the better part of 10 hours each day! Amazingly the team members who worked with the childrenm wanted more when our time in Wachara was done! Their energy and obvious love for the children was a blessing and a wonder. And of course, they children loved them right back!
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19: 14
Monday, August 2, 2010
Arriving in Kenya
5:22 PM | Posted by
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There are only two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.
-Albert Einstein
We arrived at the Methodist Guest House in Nairobi late Saturday night. I think most of us got to sleep around 1:00am but were up by 5:30 with breakfast at 6:00 and departure for Wachara at 7:00!
As the bus took off we were all wide-eyed, taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells of our new home for the next 2 weeks. At least for the first half of the ride we soaked in all of Kenya that we could.
Our first stop was a look-out point over the Great Rift Valley. What a beautiful site! The Rift Valley goes much further than the eye can see and is a very real reminder of the greatness of our Creator. What a wonderful and wondrous way to start our adventure!
The hours went on and eyes began to close as the length of our travel from Newark started to take its toll on our bodies. And then the announcement came: "Sammy (our accomplished driver) says that we might see some wild animals in this area!" No more sleepy eyes now! And sure enough we soon spotted zebras about 100 yards off the road. Imagine riding down one of America's large highways and coming across zebras! Sammy even pulled to the side of the road so we could get pictures.
Next came the beautiful tea fields. For miles and miles we were surrounded by lush green fields of ripe tea leaves. And for miles and miles there were Kenyans working out in those fields harvesting the tea. I do believe that now we all have a greater appreciation for the work that goes into making the tea that many of us enjoy at the beginning of each day.
Shortly after the tea fields we stopped for lunch: grilled chicken with cooked spinach and fries. Hmmm, maybe Kenyan food won't be as challenging as we thought! However, the facilities gave us our first "taste" of the challenge of Kenyan restrooms! But alas, we must quickly move on - Wachara is waiting!
We knew that we were getting closer when the nicely paved roads became increasingly more narrow and increasingly more...well, dirt. We began to dodge the rather impressive (if you happen to like craters) holes that peppered the path in front of us. And just when we began to question the ability of our bus to make it on this challenging...ummm..."road," we stopped. To our left was a church and in front of it were about 100 beautiful, uniform clad, brightly smiling children. Approximately 32 hours after leaving the United States we arrived in Wachara, Kenya! As we listened to the musical welcome we received from these precious little ones, any thoughts of the long, bumpy ride were gone. After months of preparation and prayer we had arrived - the adventure had begun!
Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. Psalm 68: 5-6a
Saturday, July 31, 2010
The Team is Safely Home!
8:09 PM | Posted by
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Just don't give up trying to do what you want to do. Where there is love and inspiration,I don't think you can go wrong.
- Ella Fitzgerald
The Kenyan mission team arrived home safe and sound on Friday afternoon. However, I don't think that I am risking exaggeration by saying that a part of our hearts are still in Kenya!
Some of the team members did become ill during the mission but, except for an exhaustion that often accompanies hard work done well, everyone recovered before departing for home. This was a special team and we felt God's presence throughout the mission in a special and even intimate way. We all feel that we received so much more than we gave!
Now we must process all that we experienced and seek God's leading for the future. As we do that in the coming weeks and months I will be sharing some of the amazing stories from our trip. On behalf of the entire team I want to express our heart-felt appreciation for the many prayers that covered our every step. With your prayers came a confident peace as we reached out to the precious Kenyans that God brought to us each day.
God is opening doors in Kenya for Touching Lives and as He does it is my joy to pass on all that He has planned for us with each of you who are supporting our ministry! I am certain that I will be sharing opportunities for you to become actively involved in what God is doing through TLM both here in the United States and in Kenya!
I do want to thank my clever husband for keeping everyone updated through this News/blog. He took the little bit of information I could text to him each day and turned it into a full update. Thank you, sweetheart!
And I want to thank each of you for coming along with us on this blessed journey. Fasten your seat belts the adventure is just beginning!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
They are Coming Home!!!!!!!!
6:49 PM | Posted by
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Hi everyone! Well at the time I'm posting this the team is in the air!!!!! roughly 2500 served!! An active VBS! New friends and the Truth about our Lord shared with so many.....just a sprinkling of God love and mercy!!! I want to thank you all for traveling this journey with me. ALL of you have played a part in the success of this mission and should feel good about what God has done, not just through the team, but thru all of you!!!!! We're told that we are evident by our fruit. Well you guys just served up a fruit salad in Kenya!!! Well done! Hopefully this just the beginning of a great adventure. You won't have to put up with me anymore. The next post here you read will be the mission thru the eyes of the those on the field.....specifically my honey! Remember, weather its your prayers, specific needs gifts or your financial gifts. When its done from your heart and in Gods will!
You are " Touching Lives "!!!!!!!!
You are " Touching Lives "!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Guess what the team did today????
5:10 PM | Posted by
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150 orphans for a Mon. morning clinic!!! The team is now resting together at Pastor Benards. Kathi says they are packed in like sardines. Exhausted sardines!!!! The kids performed for them today. The last clinic is tomorrow then their off to Newtons church then back to Ahero. Finally on Wed. morning they will do their final packing and head out to Nairobi. Please pray for them all. If past experience has shown us anything its that the enemy likes to strike when we're at our weakest. Be it spiritual or physical, and this is one tired crew. We pray that God will continue to bless not only the team but the people they come in contact with. Bless you all for taking this ride with me and unless something comes up I'll have 1 more update for you before my lovely wife comes home. I know that you, as much as I, can't wait for her to share all the details of their trip!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Humble yourself in the Eyes of The Lord!
8:18 PM | Posted by
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Hello everyone!!!! Talked to Kathi this evening the team is well and extremely tired!! Saturday's clinic saw medical students coming to help. The clinic ran 08:30 in the morning till 07:30 at night and in that time the team saw over 700 people!!!! Sunday morning came and the Holy Spirit was moving. Part of the service was our team washing the feet of the 80 worshipers in attendance, Can you imagine the impression of God's love as these strangers from America bowed in front of them. Do we approach our friends, family and neighbors with that servants heart????? Tomorrow sees the team picking up roots and heading to Ahero to do a medical clinic for over 200 orphans. Pray with us that God prepares hearts, maintains health and safety and most of all that He will be glorified in all the team does and all they say!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
"Saddle up your horses', this is the great adventure!"
5:23 PM | Posted by
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Hi everyone, I hope this finds you all well! At last we left our adventures they were in the village without a change of clothes......On Tues. the first day of the medical clinics they saw 150 children in the morning and another 190 persons in the afternoon session. Wed.'s clinic saw over another 300 served and God's hand. The suitcases arrived so those without, now had changes of clothes and its a good thing. The team, with my shy loving wife acting as "midwife" delivered a beautiful baby girl and mother and child are doing fine at the time of this writing! Thurs set the record so far, 490 patients seen!!! PTL Over 1000 people recieved some type of medical care in the first 3 days. The birthing kits are going out and lives are being touched. Well done all of you! In a country where so many have so little God's Hands and Feet are Touching Lives! Reminds me the other day I awoke and while I was brewing my coffee I turned on the TV to realize my cable was out. I couldn't believe it! Imagine, what am I going to do without seeing the news and weather to make sure my golf game wouldn't be interupted........Then it hit me and I asked Gods' forgiveness. It seems that at times I spend more time complaining about what I don't have instead of all the things I do have!!!!! And then I think of the kids in Kenya who walk a mile to get water. Walk 2 to get to school! Have no mother or father! Food enough to eat and I'm ashamed. Join me this week to set aside some time each day to thank God for all we have! Till next time........tuddles!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
End of the first clinic day!
6:01 PM | Posted by
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Hi everyone, I know that your used to my wife the author, nurse, CEO, and regular wonderful person writing this blog but while she's away its been left to me to catch everyone up! Sorry! Kathi and Darien had good flights and are now in the village of Wachara. Unfortunatly their main luggage hasn't caught up with them. They;ve been located but not yet delivered. Fortunatly, all the supplies and most everyones luggage made it! Lets pray for a quick delivery or the poor villagers will have new odors rising within their midst.As I write this the team is settled in for the night for a well deserved rest. Today on the first day of the clinic they saw and treated approx. 342 patients with about 150 of them being children from the orphanage! Besides praying for the safety and health of the team and the quick delivery of the wandering suitcases we have a request for prayer for an 8yr old boy with a severe bone infection in his leg. Well that catches you up for now. As the time differences are as humerously discussed as Abbott and Costellos " Who's on First" (if you don't know ask a senior! It will make for a fun discussion! I will deal in mostly eastern standard time but they are 7 hrs ahead of us for those who like math! Hopefully I'll repost every 2 or 3 days or as info comes in!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Mission Schedule and Prayer Requests
8:19 AM | Posted by
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The present moment is where the past and the future collide, and within a moment there is monumental potential. That's the mystery of a moment. It is small enough to ignore and big enough to change you life forever.
Erwin McManus
-Group gathers for departure 2pm -Depart Heathrow at 10:20am
-Depart Allentown for Newark 4pm - Arrive Nairobi 9:00pm
-Depart Newark Airport at 8:50pm - Transfer to Guest Hous
(Arrive in London at 8:45am)
Monday, July 19 Tuesday, July 20
-Depart Guest House 7:00am - Set up for Medical Clinic and VBS
-Arrive Ahero 2pm - Medical Clinic in afternoon
-Travel to Wachara
-Unpack/ begin set Up for Clinic
Wednesday, July 21 Thursday, July 22
- Medical Clinic - Medical Clinic
Friday, July 23 Saturday, July 24
- Medical Clinic - Medical Clinic
Sunday, July 25 Monday, July 26
-Worship with church in Wachara - Travel to Ahero
-Medical Clinic in afternoon - Medical Clinic for orphans
-Pack Up - VBS
Tuesday, July 27 Wednesday, July 28
-Medical Clinic for orphans in AM - Final pack in AM
-VBS - Depart Ahero NLT 12 noon
-Kisumu church service - Arrive Nairobi (Guest House) 7pm
-Packing at night
Thursday, July 29 Friday, July 30
-Awaken 6am to depart for Safari by 7 - Depart London at 10:15am
-Safari/Nairobi market/late lunch - Arrive Newark at 2:00pm
-Arrive airprt NLT 8pm - Arrive Allentown at 4:00pm
-Depart at 11:10pm
Team: Medical Team:
Safety in travel Wisdom in medical treatment
Health and safety while in Kenya Ears/eyes to hear/see
Team unity and peace Translators
Ability to communicate with family at home Kenyan MD's and Med. Students working with us
No lost luggage
VBS Team: Team Family Members
Wisdom to guide young hearts to God Health, safety, and peace of
Patience with the children/ that the children are mind during the
well behaved (all 400 of them) mission
Pastor Larry:
Wisdom/discernment as he teaches at the seminary
from the 19th-27th
Thank you and may God bless you for your faithfulness to supporting this team and mission through prayer.
Erwin McManus
Saturday, July 17 Sunday, July 18
-Group gathers for departure 2pm -Depart Heathrow at 10:20am
-Depart Allentown for Newark 4pm - Arrive Nairobi 9:00pm
-Depart Newark Airport at 8:50pm - Transfer to Guest Hous
(Arrive in London at 8:45am)
Monday, July 19 Tuesday, July 20
-Depart Guest House 7:00am - Set up for Medical Clinic and VBS
-Arrive Ahero 2pm - Medical Clinic in afternoon
-Travel to Wachara
-Unpack/ begin set Up for Clinic
Wednesday, July 21 Thursday, July 22
- Medical Clinic - Medical Clinic
Friday, July 23 Saturday, July 24
- Medical Clinic - Medical Clinic
Sunday, July 25 Monday, July 26
-Worship with church in Wachara - Travel to Ahero
-Medical Clinic in afternoon - Medical Clinic for orphans
-Pack Up - VBS
Tuesday, July 27 Wednesday, July 28
-Medical Clinic for orphans in AM - Final pack in AM
-VBS - Depart Ahero NLT 12 noon
-Kisumu church service - Arrive Nairobi (Guest House) 7pm
-Packing at night
Thursday, July 29 Friday, July 30
-Awaken 6am to depart for Safari by 7 - Depart London at 10:15am
-Safari/Nairobi market/late lunch - Arrive Newark at 2:00pm
-Arrive airprt NLT 8pm - Arrive Allentown at 4:00pm
-Depart at 11:10pm
Team: Medical Team:
Safety in travel Wisdom in medical treatment
Health and safety while in Kenya Ears/eyes to hear/see
Team unity and peace Translators
Ability to communicate with family at home Kenyan MD's and Med. Students working with us
No lost luggage
VBS Team: Team Family Members
Wisdom to guide young hearts to God Health, safety, and peace of
Patience with the children/ that the children are mind during the
well behaved (all 400 of them) mission
Pastor Larry:
Wisdom/discernment as he teaches at the seminary
from the 19th-27th
Thank you and may God bless you for your faithfulness to supporting this team and mission through prayer.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Our First Packing Day
3:36 PM | Posted by
Our Mission |
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All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idean whose time has come.
- Victor Hugo
Saturday, June 26th the majority of the Kenya team packed medicines, medical equipment, children's ministry items, and a few odd things that we really were uncertain regarding their origin or purpose! In all, we packed 12 duffel bags, which is less then half of what we expect to take. It was a blessing to see the team work together with such joy and unity.
Around noon we were treated by a catered four course Kenyan meal! We learned the names of the dishes and what was in them: rice, corn meal, chicken, peanuts, vegetables, and several other yummy things. It was not quite as exotic as some expected!
We were blessed and encouraged by the generosity of the many who are supporting this good work. And we are eagerly looking forward to working with many of our Kenyan brothers and sisters while ministering to those in need.
At the end of the day we parted exhausted but confident that God has already begun His good work in us, preparing us for the good work He wants to do through us in Kenya - by His grace, for His glory!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
A New Need
11:15 AM | Posted by
Our Mission |
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Everyone needs help from everyone.
Bertolt Brecht
If you've been wondering how you can be a part of our July mission, we have news for you! We just discovered that we are in great need of children's chewable vitamins. The solid chewables are preferred as the gummy bear type tend to melt in the Kenyan heat and humidity. While this is our greatest need at the moment we could still use:
- Adult vitamins
- Infant vitamin drops
- Children's ibuprophen
- Topical creams (cortisone, neosporin, etc.)
God has and continues to supply all the needs for the mission. TLM thanks the many, many people here in the United States who have so generously allowed themselves to be a part of God's provision to the people of Ahero and Wachara, Kenya.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Asante Sana! (Thank you very much!)
12:46 PM | Posted by
Our Mission |
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At the end of the day, love and compassion will win.
Terry Waite
Touching Lives Ministry has witnessed an outpouring of both love and compassion through the Birthing Kit Project. We had an evening of fun and fellowship but there was a real sense of focus present as well. Forty four kits were made and by the end of the month there will be a total of fifty birthing kits ready to be delivered - all puns intended! To everyone who helped this project in any way, including those prayer warriors who were not geographically close enough to do the "hands on" of the project, know that your expression of love and compassion will effect generations in Kenya! God bless you for your faithfulness to Him and to the needy.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Birthing Kits
11:25 AM | Posted by
Our Mission |
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What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men.
That is what love looks like.
Saint Augustine
Thanks to the generosity and love of so many, families in the Lake Victoria region of Kenya will be blessed with these birthing kits. Please join with us in praying for those whose lives will be touched
because you care.
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