Mission Statement

Touching Lives, Inc is a Christian ministry committed to supporting communities worldwide through improved health care, education, spiritual and economic development


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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Touching Lives Partners with Kijabe Hospital

 "I shall pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."                                     -Henry Drummond

It was a great privilege of Touching Lives Ministry to partner with a team of 52 staff members from Kijabe Hospital, located 25 miles northwest of Nairobi, who traveled 12 hours to Dzimanya, in the south western district of Kwale, to do a medical and evangelical outreach from November 18th to the 21st. The medical camp was organized by the Chaplaincy Department of the hospital, led by Pastor Mark Ayara. Over 2,000 people were reached during this mission with free health care and medications, clothing, shoes, classes on hygiene and various diseases effecting the area, and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Funds donated by Touching Lives helped to provide the medications needed to treat the diseases common to this area. Bilharzia, a disease resulting from bathing in or drinking contaminated water, was found in 2 out of 3 people at the medical camp. Most of the children age 5 years and below were evaluated to be "at risk" nutritionally. And malaria, elephantiasis (a disease caused by parasitic worms), diarrhea, and respiratory tract infections were all among the health issues the staff was able to treat.

The Chaplaincy Department has plans to do a follow-up outreach to provide further assistance as well as programs to provide goats to the people in the area, agricultural education, and aid in improving the water quality.

Please pray for the people in this area as well as ministries like Kijabe Hospital and Touching Lives who continue to be God's "hands and feet" in reaching out to the poor, sick, and lost.


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