Mission Statement

Touching Lives, Inc is a Christian ministry committed to supporting communities worldwide through improved health care, education, spiritual and economic development


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Our Vision


Saturday, August 11, 2012

July Mission - The Goodness of God

The goodness of God is infinitely more wonderful than we will ever be able to comprehend.
--A. W. Tozer

From an earthly perspective the Touching Lives mission to Kenya had a focus on paving the way for the future ministry of Sanjweru Medical Center. But our spiritual "eyes" saw very quickly that the heart of this mission was that our God is good...all the time!

At the beginning of the trip Pam Harris-Haman was established her role as the Touching Lives Kenya Education Specialist when she taught 51 nurses from three facilities, including Kijabe Hospital. Pam taught two (2) day seminars on neonatal resuscitation and the principles of stabilizing an infant to prepare for transfer to another facility. While the seminars were a blessing to the nurses, we were blessed to be able to open and close each day of teaching with prayer! The Kijabe Hospital Continuing Education Department was a wonderful host for us and we're looking forward to many more seminars in the future.

Later in our trip Pam taught a First Aid/Safety/Hygiene class to 10 community leaders including nurses, teachers, and orphanage staff members at the Magunga Health Center in remote western Kenya. The class was well received with one attendee asking when the next class would be! One of the blessings of both of these educational opportunities was that even while Pam taught she was able to learn about the practices in each area - a true learning experience for everyone!

We were also able to visit St. Camillus Hospital and the Magunga Health Center, both in western Kenya. The directors of both facilities were quite hospitable in giving us tours and discussing the scope of the health they offer to each community. We were able to identify ways Sanjweru Medical Center will be able to partner with these health care providers to increase the effectiveness of all three facilities. We felt that God was revealing another piece of His plan for the future Sanjweru Medical Center!

As God began to establish these partnerships we got yet another glimpse of His goodness to His children in Kenya and to TLK. Even though He could accomplish His will without us, He is allowing us, both Kenyans and Americans, to be His hands and feet in this country. How good is our God!

We'll be sharing more about how God revealed His goodness during this mission in future postings. Thank you always for your faithful prayer and financial support.


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