Mission Statement

Touching Lives, Inc is a Christian ministry committed to supporting communities worldwide through improved health care, education, spiritual and economic development


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Our Vision

Our Vision


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Malaria - Can YOU Make a Difference?

If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
-African proverb

According to the Kenya Medical Research Institute, malaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Kenya. It is estimated to cause 20% of all deaths in children under the age of five. And the most vulnerable to malaria are pregnant women and children. But the World Health Organization wants the public to know that malaria is both preventable and curable.

During our July medical mission we will be testing patients for malaria, treating patients, and distributing insecticide treated bed nets to pregnant and nursing women and families with children under the age of five. But we can only do this because of our generous supporters!

So, what can YOU do?
  • Click on the link below and read what the Center of Disease Control has to say about how to combat malaria
  • Go to www.touchinglivesmissions.org and click on the Donate page to help us purchase the mosquito nets
  • Contact us at tlministry@verizon.net if you would like to be a part of this medical mission team 
By God's grace, together we can go far!

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in the power of your hand to do so.
Proverbs 3:27

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Partnering with Others

"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing on another."
Luciano DeCrescenzo

Another sweet partnership that God has cultivated for Touching Lives is with Water Missions International (WMI). By God's grace the eMI team had the privilege of being at God's Hill at the end of January when WMI was there! The WMI engineer is in the center of the picture below is surrounded by eMI team members, TLKenya volunteers, and community members.
WMI comes beside ministries in carrying out water surveys, finding reputable drillers, and in the installation of water treatment systems once a bore hole is drilled. Their commitment to excellence shines through all they do. It was a delight to meet a few WMI representatives "up close and personal"!

Then God orchestrated a special treat as we watched the drilling trucks drive onto the land, set up camp, and commence drilling the bore hole. It was a blessing to see community members congregate just outside the gate to take in the scene with joyful and hopeful eyes!

Even as all this activity was happening in the lower section of God's Hill, the WMI engineer and community members were working hard at the top of the hill digging the foundation for the water treatment house that will be instrumental in providing clean and treated water to the people of Sanjweru, Kenya for the first time. Only God! These pictures follow the progress of the construction of the treatment house up until the present.

We pray that your excitement is building as ours is, if so, there are three ways that you can have a role in this work that God is doing through Touching Lives:
  • Become a part of our worldwide on-line prayer by contacting us at tlministry@verizon.net. You'll receive weekly Praise & Prayer Updates and be invited to pray with us every Monday.
  • You can contact us at the above e-mail address if you feel God is calling you to go or send someone to Sanjweru, Kenya with our July medical and children's ministry mission team.
  • You can visit our Donate Page to financially support the completion of the solar pump and water treatment system that will provide the hospital and community with much needed clean and treated water.
No matter how you choose to support Touching Lives, words alone fail to adequately communicate the gratitude we have for you. We cherish all our partners and give all the glory to God.

Jesus...said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."
John 4:10

Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's in Giving that we Receive

"One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve."
Albert Schweitzer

The end of January/beginning of February brought a lot of activity to God's Hill in Sanjweru, Kenya. A team of architects and engineers with Engineering Ministries International (eMI) visited the site to begin the process of drawing plans for Sanjweru Medical Center. It was a blessing to observe this team's  commitment to excellence. There is no doubt that SMC will be a more excellent institution because of the touch of eMI on it!

The left you can see the surveyors surveying the land, and to the right the architects and engineers are working right at the site on their first day there!

The team toured the site, worked hard late into the each night, and every time they had a chance they enjoyed playing with the children!

The partnerships and friendships we have been privileged to form are both a blessing and a beautiful illustration of the Body of Christ in action! In coming posts we'll share some more of those partnerships and blessings. Please pray for Touching Lives and how God wants to use you in the incredible tapestry of love and service He is creating in Sanjweru, Kenya.