Mission Statement

Touching Lives, Inc is a Christian ministry committed to supporting communities worldwide through improved health care, education, spiritual and economic development


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Our Vision

Our Vision


Monday, September 20, 2010

Calling All Prayer Warriors!

"You may speak but a word to a child, and in that child there may be slumbering a noble heart which shall stir the Christian Church in years to come." 
- Charles Spurgeon

Touching Lives would like to introduce you to another child who has touched our hearts. “Michael” (the name has been changed for confidentiality), was orphaned at a young age and yet is a happy and fairly healthy 14 year old young man. He is the second born of 5 children, is in grade 6, and his favorite subject is English! We say that he is fairly healthy because when Michael was a toddler he accidentally stepped into the fire that is the center of most homes in rural Kenya. His family did not have the money needed for either the travel to or the treatment at the nearest clinic. So his family did their best to treat his wound with what they had.

Michael’s foot did heal but in the process the top of his foot folded up and became fused with the bottom of his leg. A deformity of this type would keep most from walking, but this strong willed young man goes beyond that – he plays soccer! Although the sad reality is that each step he takes causes him pain. And left untreated, some day the pain will overcome his determination and he will not be able to walk.

But God has another plan. As a result of TLM’s new relationship with the Kijabe Children’s Hospital, Michael has been scheduled for surgery to release the fusion of his foot on Wednesday, September 29th! Please join us in praying Michael through this much-needed surgery.

We are praying for:
          • safe travel to Kijabe (it takes over 8 hours to get there from Michael’s
             home village)
          • that Michael will continue to have peace and confidence regarding the
            surgery and rely on his Savior
          • wisdom for the doctors
          • that the surgery would be successful and without complications
          • peace, patience, and wisdom for the staff member of the orphanage
            who is required to physically be with Michael throughout his hospital stay
          • that God will be glorified through this

We are also praying that in years to come Michael will walk throughout Kenya and Africa proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and by God’s grace Michael will be the first of many, many lives touched through TLM for His glory.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sometimes Beginings Feel Like Endings

Potential is God's gift to us. What we do with it is our gift to God.
-Mark Batterson from "Primal - A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity"

There are so many stories of courage and perseverance from this little village in western Kenya but one story that unfolded before our eyes profoundly touched each of us on the mission team and in leadership at TLM. We would like to introduce you to little Jane Anyango. Like the children you see above she was a beautiful, curious, and loving 6 year old. She sang songs, made crafts, played games, prayed prayers, and danced to her heart's delight with us during our short time in Wachara. And not unlike the other children in the school around her, she wasn't quite sure what to make of these wazungu, white people. But she was willing to find out!

Not long after we left Kenya to return to the United States Jane became ill. Her parents knew that she would not be seen in the regional hospital unless they arrived with the shillings required for such a visit. Then there was the problem that the hospital is not reachable on foot with a sick child, so the funds to rent a vehicle provided another obstacle to getting the medical attention she needed. Often when poor families in third world countries find themselves in this position they will go to family, friends, and church members for help. Unfortunately that takes time and time was yet another luxury this family did not have. And so this weekend 6 year old Jane Anyango went to be with Jesus.

We join with her family, friends, and all those who live in her village in mourning the loss of a life so young. We know that we mourn for us - Jane is doing just fine in heaven! But we also mourn for everyone in her village and villages like hers all over the world who will one day find themselves in a similar position.

The leadership of Touching Lives Ministry have felt God's call to take our first step in turning our mission statement into reality. By God's grace He will use us as a vehicle to provide a medical clinic for the village Wachara, Kenya in 2011. Please join with us in praying that God will supply all that will be required as we walk in this calling. May Jane's legacy be that this village will never again lose one so young because medical care was not available.

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.   
Psalm 30:11